Dr. Heather Pendell
Testostorone (TRT)
(TRT) Testosterone for Men
Most men start to experience a natural decline in their hormone levels around age 35. The rate of decline is increased by emotional and physical stress, inactivity (lack of exercise), poor diet, lack of sleep, and environmental factors. Most primary care doctors will not extensively look at hormone profiles for men, testing only their total testosterone levels. They will also follow the variable lab reported reference ranges ranging from 200s to 900s. It can be really frustrating to be told that your testosterone levels are “normal” on blood work when you have obvious symptoms of low testosterone. And a “normal” total testosterone is not always optimal. In addition to total testosterone, estradiol, SHBG, and albumin should be evaluated to give you the whole picture of what’s happening with your hormones.
Optimal testosterone levels contribute to energy levels, mood stability, mental clarity, libido, erectile function, metabolism, and joint health. Most men associate low testosterone with libido and/or erectile function alone, but it is very common to have no issues that department, but still struggle with feeling sluggish, brain fog, trouble gaining muscle, trouble losing fat, and long recoveries with frequent joint injuries after workouts. Optimizing your testosterone levels into healthy, physiological ranges will most often improve all of these symptoms.
Testosterone replacement therapy continues to be misunderstood in some medical settings largely due to low quality studies done in the 1980’s and the history of abuse in the gym/training community.
Symptoms of low testosterone for men include fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, brain fog, low libido, erectile dysfunction, difficulty gaining muscle, difficulty losing weight, and joint pain. If you feel like you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then the next step is to get a comprehensive blood test. Find a competent functional medicine doctor or TRT expert to look at your labs and manage your treatment. Optimal hormone levels can literally be life changing.
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123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160, United States.
Mon-Fri: 6am-10pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-2pm
Phone: +1 123-456-7890
Email: mail@example.com